Wheel of the Year

Here is another must have will get a download able link shortly.

Earth Magic; Scott Cunningham

When you draw a heart in the sand, call on the four winds for assistance, or ask the rain to wash away a bad habit, you are practicing earth magic. By working in harmony with nature, we can transform ourselves, our lives, and our world.
Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic by: Scott Cunningham
You will see a lot of similar works, I have used his book
Earth, Air, Fire & Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic.
I find a lot of inspiration's in his writings, so follow the links to get your copy as well.

Pledge to Gaia

This is a must for starting in a Natural Magic.
I think the first lesson you can pick up is respect the energy of the world around you.
I am adding a 4shard account so you can down load this for your own. This one is so important Im giving it FREE------> Here

I have decided.....

Evening all,

When I created this blog it was for the purpose of communicating to each other however it seems it has a different purpose. I have been looking for some good (non blood) magic spells and such and have had no such luck finding any or at lest some good reference material. Now of course I always revert to my old & true favorite .... books. Yes the real and true kind you can feel and smell. I will reference those in a side bar.
So with that said, I will be sharing my spells and chants and magic works up for all to use. Now please be advised they are for true and good use only (should you try to use them in an in-pure form, upon your self you will have placed the witch's curse). So be true.

I will start by publishing my book of Light. Others call theirs a Goddess Book so real it's up to you. just as long as it reflects your positive meaning (if you have different name I would love to hear).
Some of the works have missing origins so I will do my best to locate (if run across one you know pleas email me). Other wise enjoy. Should you decide you what a copy and I will see about getting you one some will be free others will be high graphic $ download. I will try to provide a good option though.

So I think I have talked your ear off. (its down there to your right. LOL)

*legal disclaimer, Magical workings are up to the Higher power. I or any published article have no control of the out come, and is not responsible for and workings of. This is simple a reference site for fun and friendship. But please do be careful what you wish for.+*


I created this Blog so we could all easily share are thoughts, events and tidbits. This should make it eraser to keep track of when and where we want to meet. What we want to work on, and so forth. So even if you don't make it to the last get together or we are just brain storming this will have it all.

I am thinking we should all add our favorite quotes, art work and such. Also a great place to post invitations to other events.

I will also start up loading the spells/chants/invocations here as well for quick access

But there are some RULES (I know stupid rules) because this is a peaceful site, there will be no negative postings of any kind.

WOW I am excited to see what you all add.


PS for now this is a public site so use your moon name, if you would like me to change it to privet please email me.